Städter Koekjes Uitsteker Eikenblad 8cm.
Katy Sue Mould Little Tree
FunCakes Dummy Bloemknoppen 20 mm pk/12
PME 5 petal cutter 30mm
PME 5 petal cutter 50mm
FMM 5 petal Rose cutter 50mm
FMM 5 petal Rose cutter 90mm
FMM 5 petal Rose cutter 75mm
Katy Sue Mould Mini Jungle Leaves
JEM Tape Cutter & Shredder
JEM Plain Stamen Fine Ivory pk/50
Culpitt Floral Wire White 22
Wilton Decorating Nail Set 5 stuks
Gegroefd Celboard2 ME04
Gegroefd Celboard ME03
PME Wreath Eucalyptus Cutter Set/3
Culpitt Floral Wire White 20
Wilton Shaping Foam Set
PME Flower Pics Medium set 12 stuks
PME Mexican and Flower Foam Pad Set
FMM 5 petal Rose cutter 65mm
PME Floral Tape Gold with Pink Sparkle
PME Florist Tape White